根据上篇文章里我们已经知道了shiny app的构造。本文会教会你如何构建UI,包括调整外观,添加文字,HTML要素。 之前的文章里介绍过,Shiny主程序分为两个部分,UI部分(ui.R)和Server(server.R)部分。 ui.RshinyUI(fluidPage())
server.RshinyServer(function(input, output) {})
这是构成一个shiny app的最短代码。当然没有任何内容,都是架空的。 整体布局在ui.R里用fluidPage 编辑可视化布局。 # ui.RshinyUI(fluidPage( titlePanel("标题面板"), sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( "边栏面板"), mainPanel("主面板") )))
也可以调整面板的位置。 # ui.RshinyUI(fluidPage( titlePanel("标题面板"), sidebarLayout(position="right", sidebarPanel( "边栏面板"), mainPanel("主面板") )))
常用HTML对照表Shiny函数 | HTML5 | 定义 |
p | | A paragraph of text | h1 | | A first level header | h2 | | A second level header | h3 | | A third level header | a | | A hyper link | br |
| A line break (e.g. a blank line) | div | | A division of text with a uniform style | span | | An in-line division of text with a uniform style | pre | | Text ‘as is’ in a fixed width font | code |
| A formatted block of code | img | ![]() | An image | strong | | Bold text | em | | Italicized text | HTML | | Directly passes a character string as HTML code |
用法举例library(shiny)# ui.RshinyUI(fluidPage( titlePanel("My Shiny App"), sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel(), mainPanel( h1("First level title"), h2("Second level title"), h3("Third level title"), ) )))
再举个栗子 shinyUI(fluidPage( titlePanel("My Shiny App"), sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel(), mainPanel( h6("Episode IV", align = "center"), h6("A NEW HOPE", align = "center"), h5("It is a period of civil war.", align = "center"), h4("Rebel spaceships, striking", align = "center"), h3("from a hidden base, have won", align = "center"), h2("their first victory against the", align = "center"), h1("evil Galactic Empire.") ) )))
再来一个复杂点的 # ui.Rlibrary(shiny)shinyUI(fluidPage( titlePanel("My Shiny App"), sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel(), mainPanel( p("p creates a paragraph of text. This paragraph is followed by br(), which makes a blank line."), p("When you want to start a new paragraph, just use a new p() command. If you supply a style attribute, you can change the format of the entire paragraph", style = "font-family: 'times'; font-size: 16pt"), strong("Strong() makes bold text."), em("And em() makes italicized (i.e, emphasized) text."), br(), code("code displays your text like computer code"), div("Use span and div to create segments of text that all have a similar style. For example, this division of text is all blue because I passed the argument 'style = color:blue' to div", style = "color:blue"), br(), p("span does the same thing, but it works with", span("groups of words", style = "color:blue"), "that appear inside a paragraph.") ) )))
插入图片会用到![]() ,并且可以指定宽度和长度 这里需要添加一个名字为www的文件夹。把图片放里面。
# ui.Rlibrary(shiny)# ui.RshinyUI(fluidPage( titlePanel("My Shiny App"), sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel(), mainPanel( img(src="jason.png", height = 200, width = 200) ) )))
# ui.Rlibrary(shiny)# ui.RshinyUI(fluidPage( titlePanel("My Shiny App"), sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( p("欢迎订阅Jason数据分析生信教室"), br(), img(src="jason.png", height = 50, width = 50) ), mainPanel( h2("第二课 UI界面设置", align = "center"), br() ) )))
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